First of all, I have new hair, which cost me £40 from Toni&Guy. This is just for a wash cut and finish, it took just under an hour and I am very happy with it. I had to wander around town for 3 hours while I waited for my appointment and ended up lunching in Costa with two trashy magazines!
Secondly, I went to the Benefit counter in my local Boots to try 'They're Real' their new mascara which claims to be a complete lash overhaul by making you look fabulous and 'fake' so that only you know they're real - hence the name. I have to say I was impressed, it's the same kind of build up and volume that I receive from my normal mascaras (I say mascaras plural because I just two-four different brands in one session) only it's one mascara not loads. For £18.50 it's a little pricey for your eyelashes, but I think I'll probably end up purchasing it anyway!

Thirdly, my Boux Avenue order finally arrived! I was so excited when I saw the courier van parked outside my window. Joseph rang me at 7:30 to say hello and woke me up. Consequently I ended up staying awake from then onwards and went down to get my breakfast. I saw a courier van passing down the road and I thought then and there that this was it, it was here, but no :(
I am kind of impatient when it comes to internet ordering, I love the ordering process, but not that it seems to take an age to arrive, even though it actually only takes a day or two. I mean Boux Avenue took all of one day to process and arrive but it still felt like an age! And lucky me, on my spending spree yesterday I know that I am awaiting packages x 2 from Clippy London, Amazon x 2 and a Glossybox! So very exciting!
Anyway, allow me to offer my two cents about this company. I was a little disappointed that the bra I ordered in my size was too small around the bust to be worn entirely comfortably. I can get it on, I can do the hooks up but I know it's tight. It's such a beautiful bra, the one pictured right on the top of the box in the last picture below, but I know that I will be able to fit into it! On the contrary, the knickers I received were perfect fits. I got a matching pair to go with the bra and a purple pair just because I liked them and they ended up being free in the 3 for 2 sale offer.
The other thing I loved about the ordering experience I have had with this company is that their attention to detail is spot on. As you can see from my little sequence of pictures, even the outer brown box is excited, then once you peel off the packing tape inside you find another little box with the gorgeous logo stickers holding the lid in place. Peel them off on both side and remove the lid and it's like all of your Christmases and Birthdays in one, tissue paper, stickers, petals, clean fresh smell and of course those gorgeous pieces of lingerie you chose online. It's a happy day present to me. You can, of course, choose not to have the gift wrapping service, save some trees and feel all good etc, but I think it makes it that little bit more special, more exciting, and it certainly makes me what to continue to purchase their products in the future. A happy new relationship has formed, of course it will be much happier when I can fit properly into my bra!
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