
Laura Mercier Creme De Pistache Body Butter

Mmmm, how luxe does this body butter look and sound! Ever since I smelled Laura Mercier's Creme De Pistache Body Soufflé in John Lewis Exeter a while back I wanted it. I was captivated - how could something so nutty smell so amazing? I was sceptical about paying £40+ for some body cream though, however much I was lusting after it. Back in October time I made a cheeky Space NK order and saw a body butter of the same scent, for a significantly less, but still extravagant, £26.

The packaging is a sleek silver tube with a large screw top lid and pistachio green coloured label on the front. It's a weighty tube, 170g to be precise so this will definitely last me a while. A little does go a long way with this body butter though, the product itself is so thick but it spreads far, I managed to cover a whole arm with the tiniest amount. Surprisingly this body butter is super absorbent despite being so thick, it didn't take long for it to sink into my skin and leave the nicest nutty pistachio scent behind. Some may find the scent a little overbearing as it seemed to get stronger, and in fact as I type, about 5 hours after moisturising I can still smell it on my skin (definitely no perfume when moisturising with this body butter!).

This product is definitely one of the more luxurious skincare products that I own. In hindsight I might save it for after bath pampering of an evening rather than using it in the morning due to the strong scent, but it's still a delight to use none the less! It's also fabulously kind to your skin, as Space NK write, Laura Mercier Body Butters are 'packed with good-for-you ingredients including shea butter, illipe butter, grape seed oil and jojoba esters working to moisturize and hydrate the skin, while honey and aloe vera help to soothe', and in my opinion, definitely worth the money. 

Are you a Laura Mercier fan?
Whats you favourite body care scent?


  1. This is definitely my favorite Laura Mercier scent, it's so creamy and nutty and simply gorgeous :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  2. I'm sad to say I've never tried anything from Laura Mercier! This does sound so lovely though.

    Catherine, xo // Lady Liquor Vintage

  3. I'd love to try this. I think I saw this on the John Lewis website last night when I was looking for a body butter. Laura Mercier is so pricey but I'm very tempted!


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